World Congress on Biosensors 2014

World Congress on Biosensors 2014
Biosensors 2014

Monday 10 September 2012

KNAUER is honored with a very special award

from left to right: Julia Nickel, Alexandra Knauer and Dr. Doris Lienert

KNAUER has won the Franz von Mendelssohn medal in 2012, awarded by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) and the Berlin Chamber of Crafts (HWK) for the 8th time. The IHK awards socially dedicated companies that harmonize their economic success with their social commitment. The medal is dedicated to former Berlin banker and IHK president Franz von Mendelssohn (in office from 1914 to 1931), who was a shining example of public service. Only 4 companies were awarded this year out of approximately 50 applicants.
Alexandra Knauer accepted the award with delight and pride at the ceremony on Monday, 27 August 2012. The CEO and owner stated: “I am very delighted about this award because it confirms that we take our responsibility towards society and environment seriously and that we take action. We do not focus on just one “good deed”, but rather, out of conviction, we engage in many different ways. My coworkers value this attitude and they support the implementation of a lot of ideas. Our efforts by far exceed the size of the company.”
KNAUER is the first company from the HPLC sector that has reported a life cycle assessment in cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin for selected KNAUER products. The assessment takes a look at all environmental impacts generated during a product’s life cycle, starting with the extraction of raw materials from nature, to the use of the product, and to its disposal. For the PLATINblue UHPLC system (ultra high performance chromatography), the assessment concluded that it is among the most energy saving systems in this area worldwide. The results of the life cycle assessment are considered during the development of every new product.
 To create a solid base for becoming an environmentally and economically efficient company, the KNAUER manufacturing facilities were completely modernized in the last few years (thermal insulation, windows, photovoltaic installations, external window blinds, a green roof). Thanks to this modernization, the company’s demand for heating oil was reduced by 50 %.
For many years KNAUER has been committed to a variety of social projects. Every year, KNAUER organizes a “Social Day” in cooperation with Caritas (a Catholic humanitarian organization in Berlin). On this day, employees are exempt from work and are encouraged to volunteer spending time caring for elderly persons or persons with disabilities. KNAUER also offers students summer jobs and internships, and participates in Girls' Day, an event which takes place all over Germany. Girls who are interested in scientific, technical and craft occupations can gain practical insight into the development and production of laboratory instruments and get an impression of how a medium-sized company is organized.
 Inspiring the next generation is something to which KNAUER is particularly dedicated. To encourage students to study science by awakening them to the fun of experimenting, we have established in our company a space called the KNAUER Explorers Club (“KEK” in German). Our wish is that all children grow up with a fair chance at a good education. The KEK has five experiment stations where kids can learn the basics of chemistry and physics, as well as aspects of chromatography. The experimental apparatus are clearly related to our HPLC analysis instruments. Their function and principles are explained with reference to the experiments. The idea of having a laboratory for young students has been met with great interest from educators. Since opening in October 2010, the KEK has hosted many young guests, indicating that there is a great need for this type of scientific education facility. For this reason we have designed the KEK to operate into the long term.
So that its employees feel comfortable, KNAUER has organized versatile and family-friendly working conditions as part of its CSR concept. For example, KNAUER features a 2,000 square-foot fruit-filled garden, equipped with table tennis equipment and garden furniture. Here, employees can relax during breaks and celebrate. In addition, a room is provided, outfitted with toys for younger children and child-friendly furniture. Working hours can be flexibly organized while maintaining a core working time. Flextime and family-friendly times for meetings are also a matter of course at KNAUER.
Other features include: cooking events (employees cook delicious meals for each other), subsidies for child care, an employer-funded pension, free exercise classes in the company building, and a daily exercise course offered at break time . Employees also share in the profits of the company.
CEO Dr. Alexander Bünz adds:With our commitment we want to be a model for other businesses and inspire them to engage in a similar way with the community. This special prize for our CSR concept is a great honor for us.”

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